Give The Similiraties Of The Two Words In The Space Provided., 1. Temper & Volcano, ________________

Give the similiraties of the two words in the space provided.

1. Temper & Volcano


2. Man & Grass


3. Cotton & Clouds


4. Life & Wheel


5. President & Captain of a Boat


1.In this metaphor, the mans temper is compared to a volcano. Volcanoes are dangerous when they erupt, and you never know when they will erupt. So, this metaphor could mean that when the man gets mad it is really dangerous and can hurt people, or that you never know when something will make the man blow up.


3.Cumulus clouds look like fluffy, white cotton balls in the sky.

4.Life is impermanent. If yore on top, sooner or later, yoll go back to where you started. If money and material possessions are the things you value today, once the wheel turns and you lose everything you have, yoll realize there are more things valuable than money and material possessions.

5.they are the one to control everything to protect presidents protect there own countries while captain protect there boat so the boat will not sink.
