Make At Least 3 Sentences Of Drugs Ruin Lives, Please Answer Po Huhuhu Need Ko Na Po Yung Sagot

Make at least 3 sentences of drugs ruin lives

please answer po huhuhu need ko na po yung sagot

Make at least 3 sentences of drugs ruin lives.

The effects of drugs vary depending on the drug, the person using it, and their circumstances.

Learn about the short- and long-term consequences of medications, as well as how your body processes them.

Using drugs can have a negative impact on not just your physical and mental health, but also your entire life.

A single tablet has the potential to kill.

Depending on the type of drugs, distinct physical reactions occur.

Some of these will help you feel more alert, aware, and energized.

Others will make you feel peaceful and comfortable.

Some can produce hallucinations by altering your perceptions.

Others drugs may cause you to become numb.

Long-term usage and higher doses have harmful health impacts that can be fatal, including illness risks from sharing needles and lasting damage to the brain and other organs.

Explain this line:

drugs ruin lives. the more you use them, the less of a life you have

