What Type Of Communication That Develops And Or Practice Empathy

What type of communication that develops and or practice empathy

what type of communication that develops and or practice empathy

Empathy, in its most basic form, is the ability to recognize others emotions and understand their perspectives on a situation. Empathy, when fully developed, allows you to use that insight to improve someone elses mood and support them in difficult situations.

Empathy and sympathy are frequently confused, but they are not the same thing. Sympathy is a feeling of concern for someone else and a sense that they could be happier if they wanted to be happy instead of miserable. Sympathy, unlike empathy, does not require a shared perspective or emotion.

You can sympathize with someone who is crying on the street, for example, even if you have no idea what is going on. Sympathy can lead to empathy, but it isnt always the case.

What are the ways to develop empathy?


